Tuesday 26 January 2010

We rocked the pots!

We had a fab time on Sunday afternoon painting our bits of pottery. What a great turnout of fabulously crafty ladies we had!

It was a challenge, but yes, we did manage to stop chatting long enough to listen to our instructions!!

Once we got going, there was some serious concentration going on...

Keep an eye on the facebook group next week to check out the pics of the finished articles all fired and glazed and fabulous! I can't wait to see how they all turn out!

...and we managed to polish off all of Lou's cupcakes and Fi's biscuits whilst creating our masterpieces - now that's what I call multitasking!

It was lovely to see you all and meet our new Sweet Herts Sisters... Just as I thought, you're a talented bunch and we're very excited about your suggestions of various events and workshops you'd like to host....Sisterhood Spanish Evening, Jewellery making and knitted accessories to name but a few... time to get planning and organising I think!

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